Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Ahh! you have to love spring!
Well I thought I better write something - it's been a while. Between being on holidays again, dealing with the kids and taking every chance I can get in the garden I have been remiss in my Blogging - Sorry. I have been planting more in the garden - check my spring list. You just have to love this time of year - you can see all your hard work come to life.
Had a small problem with my lettuce and tomato seedlings - I had them in the little green house boxes I use for growing seeds they were doing really well and I took the lid off to acclimatise them to the big wide world and my delightful munchkins pulled out all the labels - so when I planted out my tomatoes and lettuce there is no organisation to them it will be all pot luck!
Also they were doing really well and then all of a sudden nothing - they just stopped growing some even died. I planted the sad little seedlings anyway, thought I would give it a go before I go and buy seedlings. Most of the tomatoes seem to have come good. One lot has gone like the clappers and has out grown the one lot of seedlings I did buy.
My sad little seedlingTurned into this in under two weeks!
My kids have also been nagging me to put corn in. I wasn't going to this year because they seem to take up a fair bit of room for not much produce but well lots of Pleeeeeeeese mums and I did have 1/2 a bed I hadn't used yet so I succumbed and bought some seedlings yesterday.
The rock melon seeds didn't sprout anything - I'm wondering if the seed was too old (last years packet) but my water melon has come up with a couple of little seeds. I also planted some potatoes that had started sprouting in my pantry and surprise, surprise they have come up as plants!
My baby watermelon
My first ever potato plant
Today I planted some more tomato seeds in my little mini green house and I also planted the next batch of lettuce (we are already nearly through the first bed full and the seedlings for the second lot are in this will be the third) we eat so much lettuce its ridiculous.
I also bought my passion fruit seedlings to try in the hanging baskets (nothing came of the seeds). I'll probably do that on the weekend.
I was also just wandering around the garden this morning and my beans had some beans already and check out my baby cucumbers, it makes you hungry just looking at them!Well that's it for now, I'll keep you posted!
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Labels: cucumber, potato, Tomato, water Melon